There is a lot of misunderstanding about changes in technology and the usefulness of laptops that are a few years older so lets set the record straight. Yes, newer technology is faster but what many people do not know is that we can take current technology and apply it to laptops that are few years older and then, these laptops will run better than ever, better than the day they were sold, new. Combine this with the fact that not everyone needs the latest and greatest, nor do they have the budget for this, and a refurbished laptop makes perfect sense. Refurbished doesn't mean old and slow or less reliable. We have many units, up to 5yrs old that will outperform some laptops selling new today and many laptops a few years older that will outlast some of the new, cheap stuff, sold today. Bottom line, if you are the average person, doing average things with a laptop and you want to save money, refurbished is the way to go.
Over the years, we have come to realize that some people care just as much (or more) about how the laptop looks than how well it runs and performs or the longevity of the product. For these customers we suggest that you buy new. With the addition of a new SSD, which replaces the older/slower hard drive and with the addition of RAM, we can make a laptop better than ever. But we can not remove signs of use. Used/refurbished laptops will show signs of use and we grade our refurbished laptops into Condition Excellent, Good or Fair and prices go up or down accordingly. Click on the link below to see more about grading.